"I want you to get excited about who you are, what you are, what you have, and what can still be for you. I want to inspire you to see that you can go far beyond where you are right now.Virginia Satir


Do you want to feel happier, calmer, less stressed?  Or do you need to heal from grief or trauma?  Maybe you want better relationships, or readiness to move forward toward your goals? 

There is help!

With Dr. Segel, you can talk about problems, find ways to relieve difficult feelings, and resolve many concerns.  You are a valued person, and we use dependable methods to help you reach your goals.  You are unique, and your concerns deserve a personal plan for healing – one that is tailored just for you. 

Dr. Segel helps people who want to

- Recover and heal from trauma, loss, grief, break-ups.  Have more satisfying relationships

- Control and prevent stress and anxiety

- Work out concerns about fertility / Infertility / being a new parent

- Make peace with thoughts and feelings about one's gender

- Unlock creativity, clear artist's block/writer's block, or other obstacles

- Be more productive, effective, and joyful in everyday living

- And other concerns


Psychotherapy gives you the chance to live a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

Have questions? Ready to take that first step?   It is an important choice!

You are invited to call and find out how we can improve your life:  

(818)  886-0381, Extension 3




18723 Via Princessa, #210   /    Santa Clarita, California  91387    /    California Licensed Psychologist

ALL CONTENT COPYRIGHT B. SEGEL, Ph.D., 1/6/2023  except Website format (YOLA) /  CA Lic. PSY8904

Photo Credits: Top - Yola,  Bottom - Barry Haynes, Courtesy of Stockvault.net